Is a 2.5 GPA Good?

A 2.5 GPA is half a point under the national average of a 3.0 GPA. While not totally damning, it is still considered unsatisfactory. Achieving a 3.0 or higher will be easier than you think, if you’re willing to work hard.

For high school students

Without a solid roster of extracurricular activities and a high ACT score, you stand very little chance of being considered for enrollment in a college or university. Even then, a 2.5 GPA will give an admissions officer significant pause.

For college students

A 2.5 GPA meets the bare minimum for application to most graduate programs. If you are going into the workforce, this may not be as important as a portfolio of work showing your proficiency in your desired profession.

How Can I Raise My GPA?

Approach your GPA with determination. Prioritize your studies and take ownership of your GPA. It won’t happen overnight, but a decent GPA isn’t impossible to achieve.

  • Stack your course load with as few difficult classes as possible.

  • Rework assignments that give you trouble.

  • Ask your instructor for feedback and bonus work.

  • Class

  • Class

  • Semester

  • Semester
