For High School Students

High school students applying to college should aim for a GPA of at least 3.3. A few less competitive colleges may accept students with GPAs as low as 2.0, but if your goal is an Ivy League school, then your GPA should be nearly perfect.

If you have a specific college in mind, look up the average GPA for that college to use as a benchmark. College Simply's website allows you to put in your GPA and then brings up a list of colleges and universities that are likely to accept GPAs in that range.

Looking at Ivy League schools?

What does it take to get into an Ivy League school? Unfortunately, grade inflation and the use of different grading scales has muddied the waters when it comes to setting clear GPA standards. As 4.0 averages become more and more common, not only do you need a 4.0 (or close to it), you'll also need a transcript showing good grades in advanced courses in order to stand out. Also, if your school uses a 0-5 weighted scale, an Ivy League school will likely be looking for a GPA that is higher than 4.0.

For College Students

In college, what constitutes a "good" GPA depends both on the college you attend and your major. However, most graduate programs have minimum requirements ranging from 3.0 to 3.5, so if you intend to continue your education, you should aim for a 3.0 or higher.

Your college GPA is an important metric that is frequently used when applying to certain companies, and can be a solid indicator of performance, motivation and potential for success. A good GPA (read: above average) will open doors that a lower score simply cannot, so it's best to maintain a high GPA throughout your studies. If you're finding it hard to keep up, or bring up, your GPA, check out our guide on how to raise your GPA.

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